Revitalisation Meet and Greet

Hello Everyone,

You are invited to join your neighbours and the City of Edmonton, Neighbourhood Revitalization Team to the launch of Revitalization in the Inglewood Community!

The City of Edmonton project team wants to meet you, learn from you, and discuss our next steps. They will share information about the Neighbourhood Revitalization program, opportunities to collaborate and participate on the community strategy development working group. We want to include as many diverse voices as possible from the community. Everyone is welcome so please invite your neighbours to come with you!   

Meet and Greet
Date: November 20, 2018

Location: Winnifred Stewart Association – 11130-131 Street – Gym

Time: 6-8 pm Drop In

Tea/coffee and light refreshments will be served


Outdoor Retro Movie Night!

Saturday, September 15 th , The Steven Spielberg film E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial will be featured for the Outdoor Retro Movie Night right at the Inglewood Community Hall, 12525 116 Ave. Arrive early to get a good seat, seating will start at 7:30pm and the movie will begin at 8:30pm. Anyone can participate. Bring your own chairs or blankets with you and enjoy snacks from a concession where proceeds go to the Neighbourhood Table.

***Do you have a few hours to spare? Like helping out in your community? We are planning an outdoor retro movie night for September 15th and are looking for a few volunteers to help with set-up, running a fundraising concession, and clean-up after the event. Please contact or respond to this post to help out!***



The City will begin a 3 year program to completely rebuild the streets and sidewalks of Inglewood beginning in 2019. One part of this program is the option to include decorative streetlights instead of the standard galvanized aluminum poles. The Community League polled residents for their wishes. The overwhelming majority wanted to have new light poles that matched the type chosen by the Westmount neighbourhood. The city will conduct a vote of property owners in September to determine if the entire neighbourhood is in favour of this upgrade. For the upgrade to be approved, owners of over 881 properties in Inglewood–more than 50% of all property owners—must agree to the upgrade.

If you are a property owner in Inglewood, watch for your letter from the city asking for your vote. The Community League is preparing to go door-to-door throughout the neighbourhood to answer any questions, encourage people to vote yes, and collect people’s ballots to save you the cost of postage. If you have any questions about the “Rebuilding Inglewood” program, visit Making Great Neighbourhoods or email us at


Community Leagues & Citizens Play a Key Role in Monitoring Construction Sites

While the City of Edmonton tries to proactively inspect infill construction sites for compliance to
approved development permits and other regulations, not all developments are visited. If you are
noticing an issue with the infill development next door to you or throughout the community, you have
the ability to flag this for inspection.

Ideally your first step would be to contact the prime contractor or property owner listed on the
development sign situated on the construction site. Expressing your concerns to those in charge of the
construction may be all that is needed. If issues persist, then contact the City.

Below are some tips.

Landscaping Requirements
In the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw (section 55), it indicates that “Landscaping shall be provided on a
Site within 18 months of the occupancy of a development or commence of a Use.” In addition, “Trees
and shrubs shall be maintained on a Site for a minimum of 42 months after the occupancy of a
development or commence of a Use.”

Should you notice that landscaping has not been provided and fulfilled as per the bylaw, phone 311, or
better yet, email to file a complaint. 311 will then create a ticket for a Development
Permit Inspection Team to investigate further, and to possibly schedule an inspection should they have
reason to believe that construction has not proceeded in accordance to their approved Development
Permit. Please note that landscaping is often not undertaken until approved lot grading is completed.

Damage to public infrastructure (public trees, boulevards, alleyways)
If you notice that boulevard trees within 5m of a construction site are not fenced, or vehicles are
crossing boulevards without plywood or mats being placed on the boulevard, contact 311. Your actions
could prevent serious damage to Edmonton’s treed boulevards.

It would be helpful to take date stamped photos of public infrastructure (and private property) before
construction begins. Once construction begins, if you note damages being done, keep your distance and
take photos of offending vehicles and equipment. Little can be done without proof of who did the
damages. It would be extremely helpful to include your photos when reporting a damage.

Additional Problems to Report to 311
• Sidewalk obstructions
• Foundations too close to the property line or buildings too high (ask for an inspection)
• Washing out of cement trucks onto streets
• Garbage
• Construction before 7 am or after 9 pm on weekdays, and before 9 am on Sundays

• Unsafe conditions such as unfenced excavation site or slumping soil at excavation.
To learn more visit:

EMSA WEST Summer Soccer Camp Registration is Open!

Keep Your Child Healthy and Active in Summer Soccer Camp!

Summer Soccer Camp registration is open! The Edmonton West Zone Soccer Association (EMSA west) is dedicated to helping youth soccer players reach their highest potential. Starting in July through to late August, children ages 4 to 15 can learn the fundamentals of soccer, refine his or her own skills from experienced coaches, and ultimately have fun. Join the Edmonton West Zone Soccer Association for Summer Soccer Camp!

The Summer Soccer Camp will take place at 9204 163rd street in Gym #3, St. Francis Xavier Sports Centre, and the adjacent soccer fields. Cost is $120.00 per player per session. It is required by EMSA west that the players have their own shin-pads, indoor and outdoor shoes, a water bottle, healthy snacks, bug repellent and sunscreen. Summer Soccer Camp is a healthy way to keep youth active outside of school while they learn new skills and make new friendships. To enroll or for more information, refer to the EMSA website.