Solar Year in Review

Our Solar PV Installation has now passed finished its first full year of production as of Oct 30th 2020 and we are pleased to share the results with the community!


Electricity production and consumption is measured in kWh or MWh (1000 kWh = 1 MWh).

Our solar installer estimated our solar PV system would produce 19.1 MWh of electricity per year, whereas we ended up producing 17.7 MWh, about 93% of the estimated total. Most of this difference was over the winter months. Our specific installation has extra snow guards to prevent snow from sliding off into the park. This lead to a build up of snow and ice from November to early March. Stay tuned to a follow article where the impact of this is looked at in more detail. Overall, the system production is performing as expected!


Historically, from 2014 to 2019 the Community League buildings consumed about 18.7 MWh of electricity a year. This year was a year like no other and we consumed only 9.9 MWh this year, a whopping 53% of our historical average.

While COVID was a large contributor, it wasn’t the only one. Our Sustainability Committee and Facilities Committee did a great job reducing electricity usage too. About half the energy savings was from simply turning things off and replacing outside lighting with LEDs! The 47 percentage point decrease is estimated to be broken down as follows:

DescriptionEstimated Electricity SavingsEstimated percent point decrease
Powering off the sports hall500 kWh3%
Reducing parking lot light usage to near zero1000 kWh5%
Replacing outdoor sign and flood lights with LED lighting1000 kWh5%
Turning off electric heater in emergency escape stairwell (March)1500 kWh7.5%
Turning off fridges when not in use1000 kWh5%
Reduced hall usage due to COVID shutdown4400 kWh22%


Now the question you have all been asking: how much money did we save? We ended up saving $2869, with a total electricity bill of $663 credit for the year. This means that at the end of the day we paid nothing, and they actually paid us $663!

The below graph shows in blue what we would have paid without any solar panels. Without solar, our total bill would have been $2205.

In grey is what our electricity bill would look like if we have solar and EPCOR as our electricity retailer paying market rates. Under this, we would have saved $1346, with a total bill of $851.

And in orange is our actual electricity bill using Alberta Cooperative Energy (ACE) as our electricity retailer where we saved $2869. The League switched to ACE at the start of June and was able to take advantage of their microgenerator rates of 22 cents/kWh for the remainder of the summer. This is about triple the EPCOR average over the same time period of 6.6 cents/kwh, and allowed us to more than double our yearly savings!


Now might be a good time review how solar panels impact your electricity bill in this article. The basic idea is that there is a visible impact which shows up as a “MicroGen” credit on your bill, but also a hidden impact.

The Microgen credit is for the excess electricity exported back to the grid. Of the $2869 total we made, $2700 or 94% of that was from Microgen credit.

The hidden impact is the electricity you “self consume”. This is electricity that is produced by your solar panels, and then consumed by lights and appliances in your building without being sold back to the grid. This is electricity you would otherwise have had to import, paying a full 15 cents/kWh for the electricity plus distribution. Our total self consumption for the year was was 1.9 MWh, or 11% of our total production, saving $167. This would have been much higher if our electricity usage had not plummeted at the same time our production went up for the summer.

It should be noted that these types of numbers are not typical, due to our significant reduction in power usage this year. A typical solar PV system is designed to produce 100% of their yearly electricity, with self consumption sitting at about 50% or higher. Our friends at the Westmount Community League have a solar PV system the same size as ours and had higher electricity usage over the same period, saving $917 due to self consumption.


At the conclusion to our first year, the solar panels are operating exactly as expected. We’ve produced nearly as much electricity as predicted, and earned more revenue than expected. This extra revenue is money that would otherwise have come out of our AGLC Casino funds. These funds are earmarked for our phase two park redevelopment project.

Special thanks to our solar installer Generate Energy for executing the project, providing an exceptional level of customer service and technical expertise! Also thanks to the MCCAC for partially funding the project, and the EFCL Green Leagues program for resources and support to help us get the project off the ground.

Now that we have a full year of data behind us we have a series of articles being planned, including: How much production loss did the snow guard cause? How much production loss does our chimney cause to the panels beside and behind it? All this, and we haven’t even touched on the GHG emissions reduction, which are an entire topic in an of themselves. Stay tuned!

Inglewood COVID-19 Food Drive

We are excited to announce that the services included in the Inglewood COVID-19 Community Outreach initiative will soon include Food Hampers.

To make this a success we are asking those who are able to consider donating non-perishable food items to this cause. The first drop-off is this Tuesday, April 21 between 11am-2pm.

This is in partnership with the Inglewood Christian Reformed Church on 124 st who are well known for their dedication to addressing food insecurity in Inglewood through Neighborhood Table.

We hope you’ll consider donating, and sharing this with your friends!

If you are in need of assistance, or would like to help volunteer in other ways, please fill out this form.


Mid-Block Apartment Rezoning Public Hearing


City Council will hold a public hearing April 1, 2019 at 1:30 pm at Council Chamber to consider proposed Bylaws to change the zoning from (RF3) Small Scale Infill Development Zone to (DC2) Site Specific Development Control. If approved, this will allow for a 4 storey, 49 unit apartment building mid-block on 123 St. between 111 Ave and 112 Ave.

The Inglewood Community League sent a letter to the developer in September 2018 stating:

The Inglewood Community League is satisfied that the existing zoning, RF3, is consistent with the character and nature of this community and rezoning is unnecessary.

Members of the community who feel strongly about this project and re-zoning application are encouraged to:

Weight it given to attendance numbers, even if not all in attendance speak.


Inglewood Hall 30th Anniversary

The Inglewood Community League Hall is 30 years old as of February 17th 2019! There are some exciting changes coming to the hall and grounds over the next couple years, including the removal of the old sports hall building to make room for phase two of the park. The Inglewood Community League itself was established in 1950, when it formally split from Westmount, meaning we will be celebrating our 70th anniversary next year.

Building Great Neighbourhoods Update – January 2019

Thank you to the City of Edmonton for hosting the drop in event January 23rd for Neighborhood Renewal, Inglewood Revitalization & 124 Street Renewal. Each of these three programs has their own mailing list you can subscribe to for more regular updates.

We have learned that neighbourhood renewal construction will be staged over three years, from 2019 to 2021. Primary upgrades to neighbourhood infrastructure include: local and collector roads, sidewalks, sidewalk connections, curb ramps, curbs, gutters, and street lights.

Inglewood Park Redevelopment Project: Phase 2 Coming Soon

By Reetu Schaaf, Inglewood Community League Board Member  

The Inglewood Community League Board is excited to announce that fundraising for Phase 2 of the park redevelopment is now moving forward!  Phase 2 is about building a spray park beside the completed playground next to the community hall (Phase 1). The League will be fundraising for the Spray Park this fall.  


In 2013 and 2014, discussion took place with residents, League neighbours, supporters, and the City of Edmonton, about redeveloping the Community League’s park. This feedback supported volunteer efforts to pursue an overarching park redevelopment. The plan developed through this discussion is included below. The plan shows replacing the existing playground and the addition of a new spray park feature. A project of this scale required the League to look at a step-by-step approach to completing this work!


If you haven’t been by league grounds (next to the Community Hall) recently, please drop by and visit our new playground which celebrated its grand opening in June 2017.  Our playground has new equipment, new rubber surfacing, large shelter, bike bumps, along with extra benches and picnic tables. Completion of phase 1 was made possible by many passionate volunteers led by Inglewood Community League Board Member, Jaki Campeau, who backed the vision and creation of a fun safe space for all Inglewood residents, young and old.


With the final touches of phase 1 being addressed, the League is getting ready for fundraising for the next phase – the addition of a Spray Park! This feature was highlighted as one of the main attractions Inglewood residents wanted within their community.  As a part of preparing the league grounds for phase 2, the former rink shack – the older wooden building near the new playground – will be demolished. This will allow for the Spray Park to be built beside the new playground, enhance sight lines around the grounds to improve safety and security for all users, and provide space for a larger spray park.  


Stay tuned for Inglewood Community League events and activities that help raise funds, share information, and engage residents on the Spray Park concept!