Inglewood Neighbourhood Reconstruction

Inglewood is in the final year of Neighbourhood Renewal construction! If you live within the Phase 3 area, you’ve likely already received a pamphlet in the mail from the City about the schedule, access impacts, and more! In case you missed it, construction is tentatively scheduled to start this coming week, May 3.

For a breakdown of the planned projects by number in the neighbourhood, please see the Project Map (shown above).

The removal and replacement of public sidewalks, curbs and gutters and roadways is complete in projects 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Not all the sod in projects 13, 14 and 15 was installed so we will be returning in early spring to finish the landscaping.

The outstanding landscaping from 2019 is complete (projects 10, 11 and 12).
Street lighting in projects 12, 13, 14, and 15 is ongoing and includes running new conduit, drilling new pole bases, then installing new poles and re-energizing the lights. EPCOR is energizing the new poles and completing their quality control checks while removing the old pole bases; this work will continue through 2021.

Neighbourhood renewal work will resume in Inglewood in May 2021, weather pending. Prior to work resuming, construction notifications will be delivered to impacted residences. We are pleased to report that, with the completion of 2020 work, Inglewood remains on schedule with a planned completion date of November 2021.

For more information about what to expect during construction, please visit:

Linear Park Draft Design

As part of Inglewood’s neighbourhood renewal, Linear Park will also be renewed starting in 2021. The City of Edmonton is proposing enhancements to improve the usage, beauty and safety of Linear Park.

The Building Great Neighbourhoods project team members would like your feedback on the Draft Design for Linear Park.

Please review the Draft Design for Linear Park and Take the Survey by September 29. Your input will be used to improve the shared-use path in Linear Park.

EFCL: Neighbourhood Street Safety Survey

Neighbourhood Street Safety Handbook:

Edmontonians have been calling for a reduction in residential speed limits for over a decade. On May 14, 2019, City Council advanced discussions to reduce residential and collector speed limits within our communities. To help Community Leagues understand the impact for these changes, the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues has developed the Neighbourhood Street Safety Handbook.

Speed Limits and Road Safety Survey

As a resident of Inglewood your thoughts matter on potential speed limit reductions and how improved traffic safety can improve neighbourhood livability within your community. You can share your thoughts with the EFCL by completing a 20 minute survey! The deadline to complete the survey is December 1, 2019. 

Follow the link to complete the survey and share your thoughts:

If you have any questions or comments, please email

Construction Update – Spring 2019

Neighbourhood renewal construction is tentatively scheduled to start the week of June 3, 2019 in Inglewood. Before construction starts in front of your property, you will receive a bulletin outlining the estimated start/finish dates along with contact information. The duration of construction in front of your house may be up to 12 weeks (weather dependent). See the Construction Bulletin for more details or subscribe to the City of Edmonton’s Inglewood Neighbourhood Renewal Newsletter.

Neighbourhood renewal construction consists of removal and replacement of public sidewalk, curb and gutter, and street lighting, as well as reconstruction and paving of the road. Inglewood’s neighbourhood renewal is anticipated to take three years.

Inglewood Proposed Construction Staging 2019 – 2021

Construction is starting in Inglewood this summer! Please review these document from the City of Edmonton to know what to expect.

Further contact from the City of Edmonton directly to residents will occur in the coming months.

In addition to this construction, EPCOR Water will also be upgrading distribution systems throughout the City. Upgrades include small-scale projects such as hydrant relocations, cathodic protection and valve installations, as well as large-scale projects such as full water main replacements.

Construction will run from the end of April to October. Individual projects will take 2-8 weeks to complete. Prior to construction, properties directly impacted will receive a notification letter with contact information for EPCOR and the on-site contractor. The letter will also contain additional information about the project schedule and duration, temporary water supplies, garbage pick-up and safety around the construction site. Notice of any planned interruptions to water service will also be provided to affected customers at least 24 hours in advance.