New French Immersion Program Announced for the Inner City

The Edmonton Public School Board has announced that it is starting a French Immersion Language Program at Oliver School starting September 2018. Initially, there will be a Kindergarten and a Grade 1 class. Parents and the school board have been working hard to spread the word about this exciting new program.

If you are a parent who doesn’t speak French as a first language yourself, this program is for you!

A list of resources to help parents with French immersion for their children is available on the Facebook page: Central YEG for French. Oliver School has 2 childcare options nearby: Oliver Centre and Appleton Daycare. Registration is still open for this exciting opportunity. To register visit: if you have any questions feel free to email:


Share Your Vision through the Inglewood Renewal Survey

Neighbourhood renewal is a 3-year project to upgrade a neighbourhood’s entire infrastructure. Streets, sidewalks, and streetlights throughout the neighbourhood will be replace or upgraded.

More recently, the City renamed renewal to “Building Great Neighbourhoods.” The “Building Great Neighbourhoods” program can help a community address local needs and reinforce its character and identity. Additional projects can include city-owned lands and improvements.

To help the city develop a focus and plan for Inglewood, a number of stakeholder and engagement sessions were held in March and April. If you were part of these sessions, great! Thanks for coming out and sharing your concerns and vision.

We’re also asking everyone in the neighbourhood to share their thoughts with the Inglewood Community League Board as well. A survey is open until May 15, 2018 to give you a chance to share your issues and ideas: . The survey will be available until May 15.

The League Website will also contain news and upcoming events about the Building Great Neighbourhood (BGN) program. Visit our page at: http://

For more information on the city’s site about the Building Great Neighbourhoods – Inglewood, visit A city survey on this site will be available until May 4.

Edmonton’s Waste Services Plan Survey

The City of Edmonton’s Waste Services branch is updating its strategic plan, focusing on actions that will help the City reach its goal of 90% diversion of residential waste from landfill.

The city recently approved its Waste Management Strategy and has an on-line survey to ask residents to comment on its plan.

The General Public Survey is available here: and will be available until May 1.

Do you manage multi-unit properties? Then complete the Multi-Unit Survey before May 1 here:

For more information, visit:

Edmonton Transit Bus Network Redesign — Public Engagement

Edmonton’s bus routes are changing and the City wants your feedback!  The new network focuses on connecting people to places and to each other.

Why is it changing? Check out the City’s YouTube video:

View the proposed route types and maps here:

For dates and times of upcoming workshops visit:  Allow about 30 minutes to view maps and share your feedback. There will be videos, information boards, maps and table stations where you can share your opinions on the proposed network.

If you require interpretation, translation or visual supports, please contact 311 or email so the City can make arrangements for your participation.

A workshop will be held at Inglewood Community Hall on: Thursday, April 26 from 3-7 p.m.

Can’t make it to a workshop?  You can also take an online survey from April 12 – June 30.  Check out the City of Edmonton website for more details.