Thank you very much to everyone who voted for the colour scheme for Rocketship Park! Colour option 1 was the winner!
You will be happy to know that the American flag will NOT be included in the final design.

Where we have been:

The successful playground design has been incorporated into the drawing package
Detailed Design was advanced and included revisions from the Concept/Preliminary Design circulation
A concept package was prepared and shared with the community for playground equipment colour selection

Where we are now:

Now that the community has made a colour selection, the playground equipment order has been made
Development Permit application drawings have been submitted to the Development Office for review and approval
Drainage drawings have been finalized and will be sent to Epcor for approval when the Development Permit # is obtained
Detailed design is being finalized for site contractor and amenity procurement

Where We are Going/ Next Steps:

Site contractor and amenity equipment procurement anticipated to close after a 3-week tender, followed by evaluation and award
Construction is anticipated to start in early summer 2021
A more detailed construction timeline will be provided in the end of May update
Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of October 2021

Stay tuned for another update from the City on the park renewal at the end of the month.