Each month in 2020 we’ll be profiling members of the community including community league directors, volunteers and residents to showcase what makes our neighbourhood wonderful! This month we’re chatting with Hayley Weedon.

“It’s the people of this neighbourhood that makes me so proud to be an Inglewooder.”
Hayley excitedly joined the Inglewood Community League in October, assuming the role of the Programs & Social Events Director.
A community-minded person, Hayley has worked in the non-profit sector for over 15 years; as a programmer, event planner and volunteer manager. She presently works with Community Options, as their Community & Volunteer Manager.
She and her partner, Max, son Henry and fur-babies, Chesney & Norris moved into the community over four years ago and absolutely fell in love with the neighbourhood.
Words from the Director of Programs & Social Events:
“As we move into a new year, I encourage you to get involved in the many programs and social events we offer at the League! Membership is currently free and the variety programs and activities are always no-cost to low-cost . Most importantly, it’s a great way to meet your neighbours!
My number one goal this year is to engage our community members to help shape our program offerings. With that in mind, I’m most curious about what you would like to see offered at the League in 2020?”
Feel free to email Hayley anytime with your feedback and suggestions: hayley.weedon@inglewoodcl.com