Bring your skating gear and enjoy a FREE skate period on Friday December 27, 2019 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at the Coronation Arena (13500 112 Avenue). Admission to the arena is free for individuals and families with a current and valid Inglewood Community League card. Skaters, please wear your League skate tags while on the ice. 

Important Note: This is unsupervised skate time. Children eight years of age or under must be accompanied. Please check out the facility details and restrictions ahead of time by visiting their website: or by calling 311

Need a new membership? Memberships can be obtained FREE online via our website or in-person during Inglewood Community League events. Memberships are also sold all year-round through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) website. Please note there is an additional $5.00 fee when ordering through EFCL’s website.

For this event, and others, check out our Events Section.