Inglewood Community League memberships provide residents FREE weekly access to an indoor community swim hour starting September 8, 2019 up until August 30, 2020 on: Sundays between 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Bring your current and valid Inglewood membership card to Peter Hemmingway Fitness & Leisure Centre (13808 111 Avenue) for a FREE swim period during the designated time.

Children eight years of age or under require adult supervision. Please check out the facility details and restrictions ahead of time by visiting the facility’s website or by calling 311.

Need a new membership? Memberships can be obtained FREE online via our website, in-person during most ICL events, and during the Annual General Meeting in October. Memberships are also sold all year-round through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) website. Please note there is an additional $5.00 fee when ordering through EFCL’s website.