As your community league, we’re trying to do a better job of keeping you informed. However, we’ve had a few good volunteers leave our communications team recently for personal reasons. What you get out of the job is working with your community (and some other great volunteers) and an inside track to the stories before they’re even posted! We’re expecting all of these roles to take 2-6 hours/month (some months are busier).

We are looking for people to fill two roles:

Facebook Coordinator (2 positions)

These people have Facebook savvy. They know how to use FB; they can create stories and events, load pictures, and link to external pages. And they know how to use Facebook messaging to read questions, comments and concerns from people. If the question isn’t too difficult, they can respond quickly and politely resolve issues.

In return, we supply the content and coordination, and answer any questions you might have.

Story Editors (2 positions)

We get all sorts of stories in all sorts of forms. Some are poorly written; some need to be formatted; and some are almost perfect.

If you can proofread short articles, clean up language, make an article more readable (like using shorter words or shorter sentences), then we’re looking for you! If you can turn a boring article into an exciting article that’s even better.

You’ll see the results of your work spreading through the internet: over Facebook, email, maybe even Twitter. You too can be on your path to world domination through well written stories.

FOR EITHER OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES, contact Daryle, our Communications Director, at He’s a nice guy too.