One concerned parent wants to change this.
Alex Lieberman had a conversation with the Edmonton Public School Board (EPSB) and it appears that they are quite interested in re-opening the conversation – an idea of how many families may be interested in this option in the 2018/19 or 2019/20 school year would be very helpful for them. They need at least 50 families interested to consider creating a space at one of our EPSB schools. Alex suspects that there is enough interest in our communities to make this happen!
She is putting together a list of families who MAY be interested in this option. Indicating interest does not mean you are obligated to register your kiddo when the time comes, just that you may consider the option.
EPSB requires family name and address in order to assess amount of interest and current need in Central Edmonton. If you are interested in FI programming please send Alex your info (or send her a message if you have any other questions/concerns) and she will add your name to the list. Also feel free to pass on anyone else you think might be interested! Contact Alex at: